Once a week I will give my Top 10 favorite song about a particular Band or Artist.
I couldn't imagine a better band to start My Top 10, than The Beatles. I really had a hard time picking just 10 songs about the greatest band ever. Please feel free to post comments about my list and tell me, your top 10 Beatles songs.
1. With a Little Help from My Friends
2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
3. Let It Be
4. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
5. Helter Skelter
6. Something
7. I am the Walrus
8. Hey Jude
9. And I Love Her
10. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
“The love you take is equal to the love you make.” Paul McCartney
Ok mira, ya tenes 1 comment! jajaja Obviamente me gusta el top 10 ya que es de The Beatles.. Pero mi top 10 sería:
ResponderEliminar1.While My Guitar Gently Weeps
3.Happiness Is A Warm Gun
4.I Am The Walrus
6.Glass Onion
7.I'm Only Sleeping
8.Within You, Without You
9.In My Life
10.I'm So Tired
*BONUS: Julia
You have no idea how difficult this was. Pero alli esta. Me faltaron como 10 mas de mis favoritas! :( -Dani
David como te explico que casi no me llega tu top ten! no me gusta while my guitar gently weeps! hahah pero esta bueno man! Hey Jude deberia de ser la primera! hahah exitoo Techoo!